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A member registered May 12, 2020

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I'll give the sandbox a try. By manual control, I mean... For example, in Titanfall, you can plant yourself on a wall in place by aiming down the sights while wallrunning. It's a manual action you have to consciously make. For the axes here in your game, they seem to grab on their own as long as you're moving towards a wall facing the proper direction. It's all preference, but I would like if I had to, say, constantly hold spacebar to stay latched to a wall, and release to drop. Maybe alternating mouse buttons to climb up would be a step too far, though.

Seems like a lot of the time I'm sliding off of walls I should be grappling on to. Not the best feedback. Would much prefer a manual control of the climbing axes so I could know for sure I'm gonna lock on, as opposed to making leaps and just hoping the game decides to grip me to the wall.

Mouse keeps leaving the game...

Fun little meme game.